A message from Grieg for the 8th of March 2013

A message from Grieg for the 8th of March 2013

My dear ones,

We offer you now a piece of news which is extraordinary in its way, one that brings joy and at the same time one which implies that I make a spiritual confession to you. On the night preceding the 8th of March – at around 3.18am, Ro time – within my being started to manifest a certain indescribable overwhelming influence.

Special message: Ufo makes russian meteorite explode!

Special message: Ufo makes russian meteorite explode!

For all of us who participated at the paranormal collective invocations which were done in unison on 1st – 2nd january 2013 both to the supreme galactic council and to the beneficial extraterrestrial civilisations who have saved planet earth from a terrible apocalyptic event which (in absence of their help) was going to happen on 15th february 2013.

Skaber – Gregorian Bivolaru

Skaber – Gregorian Bivolaru

Gregorian Bivolaru (Grieg) – grundlæggeren af MISA i Rumænien blev født den 12. marts 1952 i Tartasesti, en lille by udenfor Bukarest. Som barn havde han ofte tilbagevendende drømme om sig selv som en tibetansk yogi med et højt spirituelt udviklingsniveau. I disse drømme huskede han mange forskellige yogiske teknikker, som han begyndte at praktisere med forbløffende resultater. Forbløffende synkrone begivenheder forbandt begivenhederne i hans drømme med vågenlivets begivenheder.