Scandalous Discovery Showing Bubber’s ill-intention: Subliminal Messages in the Bubber Show about Natha Yoga Center
Breaking News on How TV2 Tries to Manipulate the Masses
From MihaiStoian.net
Breaking News on How TV2 Tries to Manipulate the Masses
From MihaiStoian.net
By Advaitananda (Mihai) Stoian (from mihaistoian.net)
Mesmerised, I am watching the burlesque, almost medieval, show of the Danish media that debates the sex sect Natha Yogacenter. As much of what is being said is directed towards me, it is time to set the record straight once and for all!
Beskyldningerne bragt i TV2s udsendelse ‘Danmark ifølge Bubber: Sekten?’ den 16. maj 2013 fremstiller et forvrænget billede af foreningen Natha Yogacenter, dets medlemmer, ledelse og aktiviteter.