Ananda Yoga Retreat Gotland – The Yoga of Happiness
5-10th sept 2023, Salthamn, Gotland
– retreat is kept by Aurora Georgijevic & team
Join us for a deep, luscious and uplifting yoga retreat in one of the most beautiful places in Sweden – the magic island of Gotland!
After a magical, sold out premiere retreat in Salthamn on Gotland Island we will return again this year – with an even more wonderful program with many new elements!
We will dedicate nearly a week of exploring the Yoga of Happiness – practicing yoga, meditation, sharing inspiring yogic wisdom, rejoicing in the beauty of nature, restoring and rejuvenating body soul and mind and opening up to life’s greatness!
You will be guided through teachings and practices of ancient wisdom combined with up-to-date science of wellbeing for offering efficient tools to awaken a stable state of fulfilment, joy and happiness in our lives.
Every being longs for peace and fulfilment. To feel a contentment and joy that just IS, unconditional and independent of other factors. But most of us get so entangled in everyday life problems and dramas of the world that we seem to believe that happiness is unachievable for us. But life shows us otherwise. Anyone, who truly wants and is willing, can learn happiness. And we are here offering this together!
Understanding the nature of happiness
Happiness is not just a hormonal rush of feel-good hormones. It is a state that can be cultivated and that has its roots in a heart-centered peaceful place in our being. It requires control of the mind, and understanding of the ways of our biology and subtle spiritual anatomy.
You will learn:
– How to find greater fulfillment in everyday life by becoming more present and aware
– How to manage stress, fight&flight reactions and instead become more relaxed, open and less reactive
– NEW for this year: Beauty as a gate to happiness!
– Living life with greater FLOW: amplifying your adaptability skills as a primary tool for increasing happiness
– How to invite more happiness by understanding what truly makes you happy
– Yogic pearls of wisdom on the state of Ananda – unconditional happiness and bliss
– Deeper understanding that happiness is a continuous journey and not a final destination
– Awareness of what holds back/blocks happiness and joy in your life
– How to become more radiantly joyful, optimistic and enthusiastic
– Greater understanding of the science of wellbeing & happiness: hormones, brain plasticity and other effect
– The path to unconditional happiness – efficient tools of happiness from various spiritual traditions
The retreat includes:
– Daily hatha yoga sessions for happiness, joy and wellbeing
– Yoga nidra, gongbath & deep relaxation
– Yogic philosophy and inspiring lessons on the art of happiness (Ananda)
– Meditation
– Practices for deeper presence
– Nature therapy
– Ecstatic dance
– Excursion in Gotland
– Plant wisdom – herbs for happiness
– All inclusive accommodation in a luxury house (shared bedroom) with indoor heated pool and beautiful surroundings
– Healthy vegetarian meals that supports our wellbeing
About the place
Our retreat will take place in a luxurious villa in the magnificent Island of Gotland with a gorgeous sunset view to the beach.
The villa has 23 sleeping places, an indoor pool, tastefully decorated with all the elements needed for a beautiful holiday feeling. It is located in a green are nearby the beach.
We will also do some excursions around in Gotland, exploring beautiful places and recharging ourselves in the nature.
You will sleep in a shared bedroom (double-rooms or rooms with 4 people)
Come join us and soak in the regenerative atmosphere of Gotland together with wonderful people exploring the nature of happiness and true wellbeing. This retreat does not aim to only offer a momentarily feeling of happiness, but providing you with efficient tools to last a lifetime where you can continue to practice the yoga of happiness in your everyday life.
“Together, by increasing our own happiness and joy, we can raise the vibration of the planet.”
Super early bird (until 10th July) – 8400kr (8100kr Natha members)
Early bird (until 27th of july) – 8600kr (8300kr Natha members)
Regular price: 8900kr (8500kr Natha members)
Pay through:
Bankgiro: 785-7162 or
Swish: 1233397171
(Mark payment with Ananda)
You can pay the full fee at once or a sign up fee of 2700kr to reserve your place. (Full payment needs to be paid latest 1 month before the event). After you have made your payment please write us an email to stockholm@natha.se
Payment plan is possible – please contact us via email.
Cancellation policy:
After the payment has been done we will refund 90% of the fee 2 months before and 75 % of the fee until 4 weeks before the event. After that refund is not possible. You are however welcome to sell further your ticket – in such case please notify the team. Please note that we cannot refund the ticket for any reason after this moment (only exception is if there is a waiting list)
Time & place
5th -10th sept 2023
Check in:
Tuesday 5 sept 16.30-18.00
(Retreat begins around 18.30)
Check out:
Sunday 10th sept the retreat ends at 15.00
You are welcome to check out between 15.00-16.30
Best ways to arrive to Salthamn:
– By ferry
– By plane (airport is just 10 min away from the venue – we can offer pick up for 50 kr)
Co-driving: Last year we had many participants from Malmö and Stockholm that came by car – you are welcome to say if you wish a seat or if you have seats to offer and we will do our best to match you with a car!
Practicing happiness
Happiness is something we can practice, and learn to open to. Inviting more joy, fulfilment and wellbeing in our lives is an art. Practicing happiness implies practicing beneficial choices, practicing virtues and cultivating attitudes that support us in our pursuit towards happiness.
Flow & adaptability
Learning to become adaptable to the challenges of life is one of the most important factors for maintaining a state of happiness. Otherwise we will be constantly taken by the ups and downs of life. Learning how to build resilience, creativity, willingness to learn from situations in life helps us to adapt better and integrate all that comes to us in a way that support us to be happy rather than being victims of lifes circumstances. An wisely adaptable person is a happier person.
Awareness, focus and presence
The deeper our awareness, the greater our happiness. Without awareness and focus life passes us by and we miss the simple joys of everyday life. Becoming more present we will rejoce in the sound of the birds, in the beauty of the sunset, in the charm of a childs laughter, in the warmth of a beloveds embrace, in the magic of nature. Learning to become present implies learning how to clear our mind from agitation. The sun is always shining, we only need to clear the clouds!
Peace and mastery over relaxation
Cultivating stillness and true relaxation we get to immerse ourselves in the nature of BEING. Tensions block our wellbeing and happiness. Most of our unhappiness has its roots in tensions – physical emotional and mental. Learning how to properly rest and rejuvenate we get to nurture that which feeds true harmony and fulfilment within us.
Courage to be
To choose happiness requires a lot of courage. Courage to let go of what does not serve you any longer. Courage to embrace new perspectives. Courge to show up to the world in your truth. Courage to make choices that are aligned with your heart.
“Happiness for a reason is just another form of misery” – Upanishads
Real happiness comes from being rooted in our true nature. It is a simple happiness that does not need anything else. It springs from the deep well of truth, stillness and awareness that exist within us. The yogi tradition calls this state of Ananda, which is not a fleeting emotion, but a result of a significant awakening of consciousness. It is a special form of happiness that does not have any reason, but exist for itself.
About the teachers
Aurora Georgijevic
Aurora has practised yoga and tantra for the last 17 years and is an internationally certified yoga. A deep interest in health, awakening and personal development led her in an early stage of life to various spiritual teachings and further on to a university degree in Science of Public Health. Discovering yoga she discovered a true science of life, a way of being more present, awake and alive in everyday life. Yoga taught her that happiness can only be found within, and that yoga and meditation are some of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves and the world. For the last 12 years, Aurora has been the coordinator for a flourishing yoga centre and is currently teaching in Natha Yoga Centre in both Malmö & Stockholm. She is teaching courses in yoga, tantra and arranging various events, workshops, retreats and festivals. She believes that once we take full responsibility of our life, we get to shape the life that we wish to have, and that brings a great inner freedom, contentment and meaning in life.
Aurora Georgijevic, Louise Skjoldan & team are looking forward to offer you all their personal gifts, knowledge and experience on this ancient old and continuously more sought for and appreciated of happiness through yoga – awakening the state of Ananda.