Discover the world of angels – Special workshop

Unlock the Healing, Guidance, and Wisdom
of the Angelic Realm

Monday 28 October 18.00-21.30
– With Aurora & Louise


Are you curious about the sacred presence of angels and how they can assist you in your everyday life? Do you long for deeper guidance, protection, and healing on your spiritual journey?

Join us for the Discover the World of Angels workshop, a heart-opening experience that will immerse you in the wisdom, healing energy, and transformative power of angels.

No previous experience needed!

Workshop content

❤️ Sacred teachings on Angels:

Dive into ancient teachings that reveal the presence of angels within various spiritual traditions. Discover how yogis perceive angels as divine helpers on the path to enlightenment, supporting spiritual growth and aiding in maintaining balance and harmony in life. You’ll learn about the relationship between your higher self and angelic beings, and how you can incorporate this wisdom into your spiritual practices.

Learn how to call upon angels to heal emotional wounds, strengthen bonds, and resolve misunderstandings in relationships with others. You will also gain insights into how angelic support can help you cultivate compassion, forgiveness, and understanding.

❤️ Angelic Healing:

Angels are known for their healing energies. During this workshop, you’ll explore various angelic healing techniques to cleanse and harmonize your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. We’ll cover how to invoke healing angels, channel their energy, and facilitate healing for yourself and others. This aspect of the workshop is deeply experiential, allowing you to feel the direct healing presence of these celestial beings.

❤️ Receiving Guidance and Protection from Angels:

One of the most profound roles angels play in our lives is offering guidance and protection. You’ll learn how to recognize angelic signs, interpret messages from the divine, and call upon angels for protection in times of uncertainty. This workshop will provide you with practical methods for invoking angels to guide you, for finding clarity in confusing situations, and staying safe during life’s challenges.

❤️ Guided Meditations to Connect with Angels

Throughout the workshop, we will engage in powerful guided meditations designed to open your heart and mind to the presence of angels. These meditations will help you attune your energy to the higher frequencies where angels reside, creating a direct pathway for communication and healing. Through these practices, you’ll learn how to invite angels into your meditative space and receive their loving guidance.

You’ll learn how to sense their presence, receive their messages, and integrate their energy into your daily life. These activities will help you strengthen your intuitive abilities, making it easier to recognize angelic support whenever you need it.

Workshop highlights

• Inspiring lecture on the world of angels

• Angel meditations, visualisations & exercises

• Personal angelic message for guidance and clarity that you can bring home

• Interactive angel exercises for deepening connection with others including touch and affirmations

• Methods on how to work with angels in daily life

• Methods on how to cultivate angelic qualities and become an angel in this world!

• Angel ceremony for healing of the earth

We will also have a break for cozy mingling, cup of tea & yummy cakes that can be bought

Join us on this sacred journey as we open our hearts and minds to the boundless love, wisdom, and healing power of angels. Together, we will discover how these divine beings can help us live with greater peace, harmony, and purpose.

Time & Date

Monday 28th Oct 18.00-21.30
Narcissvägen 12, 125 55 Älvsjö Stockholm, Sweden

Sign up info

250 kr 
200 kr (Natha students)

Bankgiro: 785-7162
Swish: 1233397171

After you have paid please fill in the information in the form below:

Guided by Aurora Georgijevic & Louise Skjoldan

We look forward to sharing this magical and transformative experience with you.
Let the angels guide you on this new path of light!



Oct 28 2024


18:00 - 21:30
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