Path of Love – 8 weeks tantra course (Live & Online)
8 Week Tantra Course – Path of Love
Wednesdays 18.00-20.15
Start 9 feb 2022
Most people wish for more love, even without knowing.
Most people long for deeper experiences, more intimate connections, truer friendships and more meaning and passion in their heart, but not knowing how.
Most people believe that love is something that happens to us, like a random gift from the sky that suddenly appears and disappears from our life seemingly out of our control. We wish to change this limiting belief. We wish for everyone to discover the amazing power of love that is always available for the heart that trains the capacity of courageously opening. Again and again.
We believe that love is a choice. A choice to open and let love in. It is an art that anyone can train and become better at. It is a path and most magnificent adventure of our life.
This 8 weeks transformational tantra course will take you deep into the essence of love, week by week providing more tools and understandings based on tantric wisdom teachings on love but also inspiring discoveries from up-to-date science.
You will learn and discover:
– A deeper and more profound understanding of the nature of love
– Different expressions of love such as compassion, empathy, forgiveness, romance, intimacy, sacredness and how to cultivate them
– Tools for opening your heart – at will and despite of past experiences or limiting personal beliefs
– Secrets of radiant love – learning to love without hesitation
– Conscious touch – the physical expression of love
– The play between LOVE & EROS
– Love as a gate to greater intimacy with others
– How to escape the mental prison and liberate your heart
– Self-acceptance and self-love
– Polarity and love in tantric view – balancing the feminine and the masculine
– How to cultivate love in everyday life
– How to overcome the challenge of closure towards love – understanding what holds you back
– Activating the COURAGE TO LOVE
– Love as a spiritual path
The Art of Limitless Loving
Everyone has a limitless capacity to love.
Still most people experience only small parts of the great gifts that love has to offer us.
How would your life be, if you didn’t need to wait for the conditions to be right for you to love? How would it be if you could love people, not because they are fulfilling some needs of yours or because they are nice towards you, but simply because there is an inner overflow of love inside that you cannot wait to share?
What if you could learn to love without reasons – without expectations, projections or agendas? What if you could wake up with love in your heart, to such magnitude it made you present, adventurous and trustful towards the new day, and each night go to bed with gratitude?
All this is possible for each of us, if we have the courage to choose love.
There are so many hands you have never shaken, and names you’ve never learned. There are so many voices your ears wouldn’t recognize, and eyes you’ve never really looked into. There are so many stories that go unheard. There are so many tears that go unseen, and healing embraces that never get the chance to perform their magic. We are faced with opportunities each day to open our hearts to every aspect of life worth being madly in love with.
Falling in love is a gift we are given, a moment of grace.
Rising with love is an inner choice and commitment that turns us from passive consumers into active participants in the grandiose celebration of love.
What will happen during the course:
– Weekly inspiring lectures and direct guidance based on ancient tantric wisdom
– Creative and interactive exercises
– Heart meditations
– REAL meetings – heart to heart in a sacred space of love and awareness
– Specially designed homework to incorporate regular practice
– Group study & sharing circles
– Private Telegram group for those who wish to connect more and where the teacher will share homework, inspiring clips, music and other things
Practical & Sign up:
Early bird (until 26th of Jan): 2400 kr
Regular (after 26th of Jan): 2700kr
Only online price: 2100kr
(Students with CSN + active Natha members receive 300kr discount)
Swish: 1233397171
Bankgiro: 785-7162
Mark your payment with “Love”+LIVE/ONLINE. To reserve a spot please pay the sign up fee of 650 kr (the rest is to be paid before the course begins)
After that send us an email to stockholm@natha.se
We have limited amount of space in person at the yogacenter.
*Important!* For online participants – the course will include the lectures which take place in the beginning of the course and meditative exercises that follow. For the sessions that include practical interactive exercises the zoom will be turned off (hence the discounted price). Sharing sessions will be accessible in groups via zoom.
Natha Yoga Center
Narcissvägen 12 Älvsjö, Stockholm
(few minutes walk from Fruängen tunnelbana statio)
Covid 19-policy:
We are staying informed and adapt according to new restrictions and regulations.
In general we will not keep social distance, as some exercises include touch etc, but everybody is welcome to chose their level of interaction and what they are comfortable with.
If you are having flulike symptoms we kindly ask you to stay home and you are most welcome to participate online
In case there would appear laws that prevent us from meeting the classes will continue online until conditions change.
Other info:
This course is ment for adults over 18 years.
No nudity or explicit erotic interactions will take place during the course.
This course is not ment as a replacement of professional therapy when this is needed.
No exercise is obligatory, you set your own boundaries and those will be respected by other participants.
We offer no refund, but you are welcome to sell your place for the course to someone else (only before the course have started)
Missed classes will not be refunded.
Your teacher:
Aurora Georgijevic
Aurora is a dedicated yogini and tantric practitioner since 18 years. She is a multi-certified yoga and tantra teacher and has been one of the most influential voices of authentic tantra in Sweden for nearly 14 years. Practicing integral tantra yoga she learnt to apply and discover the wise teachings of tantra in daily life. Her teaching style is playful, full of wisdom, great devotion, compassion, enthusiasm and deep love for the tantric tradition. She is actively teaching courses in yoga, tantra, tantra for women and arranging inspiring events, workshops, retreats and festivals that has touched the hearts of hundreds of souls. Her deep longing and aspiration in this life is to passionately spread the message of the transforming power of love and to make the wisdom teachings accessible to as many people as possible.