Silent Meditation Retreat

– a Journey back home
Sleep at home-retreat in Älvsjö
10-12th of November


Press pause and connect to the silence within. This weekend will be dedicated to contemplative practices of yoga and meditation, where we aim to silence the mind to be able to hear the voice of the heart.

– Practice of Mauna – Silence – as a tool for inner harmony, happiness and spiritual growth
– Daily hatha yoga sessions
– NEW! 2 Darkroom meditation practice sessions!
– Yoga nidra – deep relaxation
– Meditations for inner silence and awakening of the soul
– Practices for calming mental agitations
– Inspiring lectures about mental hygiene and taming of the monkey mind
– Contemplative walks in nearby nature areas
– Food for the heart – spiritual poetry for awakening the soul
– Practices for deeper anchoring in the present moment through growing awareness, lucidity and attention

Cultivate stillness and strength. Immerse yourself in the nature of BEING. Rest and rejuvenate. Nurture that which feeds true harmony and fulfilment within you. Soak in the serene atmosphere given by silent practices. Enhance balance by reconnecting to your inner essence and the sacredness within that flourishes when we learn to rest in stillness.

Go deeper within in a peaceful, retreat-like atmosphere with the support of experienced teachers and alongside other like-minded souls that yearn for silence and stillness.

Structure of the retreat

We will meet for the daily program in our new beautiful yoga center in Älvsjö, located in a peaceful area with lots of green around. It is located nearby Fruängen tunnelbana station. After the daily program finishes you return to your home and rest over night there and come back in the morning for the continuation of the program.

For an optimal experience we highly recommend that you keep silence after the daily program, so it is a good idea to inform the people you live with about the retreat. It is not a must, but deepens the effects if it is done in this way. We also recommend to eliminate the use of computer, smartphones and reading of newspapers, watching tv or listening to music in these days, as much as possible. The yoga center will be a mobile free zone in this time and practicing mauna (silence) will be mandatory in the center. You can however communicate briefly or ask questions to the teacher or other participants through handwritten notes.

NEW! 2 darkroom meditation sessions

This retreat we will offer the chance to go very deep within – with 2 sessions that will be done in complete physical darkness.
There are many reasons to why the ancient yogis and wise men around the world recommended periodical retreats in total darkness. It has among other things, multiple benefits for mind, body, soul and spirit that even modern science has now confirmed.

Our unconscious perceptions are what binds us to the outside world. When we stay in darkness for longer periods of time, one of our most vividly used senses, the sense of sight, is cancelled, and the normal agitations of the mind silence very fast. Thus when the mind becomes silent, the presence of the heart emerges, together with euphoric serenity, peace, contentment, gratitude, love and spiritual aspiration.

Sitting in a dark room we are presented with the unique possibility to easily access our soul.
During this retreat we will offer 2 such meditation sessions


Friday: 18.30-21.00
Saturday: 10.00-21.00
Sunday: 9.30-17.30

Price & practicalities:

1900kr incl. food
1700kr early bird (pay latest 1st November)
Natha members, unemployed and students receive 600 kr discount

Pay by Swish or Bankgiro.
Bankgiro: 785-7162
Swish: 1233397171
(Mark your payment with silent+email)

When signing up by paying, please send us an email with your signing up request. If the event gets full this will be announced on the facebook event. Also let us know if you have any allergies etc latest 3d of November

We will serve vegetarian, glutenfree food.

Refund policy:

Cancelling 3 weeks before you get full refund minus 200kr admin fee. Cancelling 10 days before you get 50% off, after that no refunds. Only exception is illness with doctors documentation or positive test. You can however sell/give away your place for no extra cost.


This retreat will be guided by Aurora Georgijevic, with over 20 years of experience in both yoga and tantra. The practice of silent retreat has been a deep calling of her soul and over the last 20 years she has done several longer retreats (up to a month) in solitude with an intense practice of meditation, yoga and other techniques. She has been guided and taught by some of the worlds foremost teachers in meditation and spirituality. This led to profound transformations and realizations in her being that she would like to share with others, helping people to discover the light within.




Nov 10 2023 - Nov 12 2023
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