Tantric Date – Conscious Touch

Tantric Date- Conscious Touch

Conscious Touch & Tantric Massage

What does exactly make touch tantric?

Is it the techniques, or the movements? Is it the nudity, or the erotic energy involved? One of the keys is conscious touch. When we touch and receive touch in a conscious way it will break down the barriers we have set up to protect ourselves and open us to a deeper intimacy and connection to ourselves and the other one.

Many people, even those who love each other, feel separated from each other because they never trained deep heartfelt intimacy. Working with conscious loving touch will remove miscommunication and help to really feel the other’s energy, inner world, emotions and being.

It is the radiance of love that makes feel truly makes connected. The body, its senses and magnificent aliveness of vibrant energies are offering us a great variety of possibilities to connect with each other and with ourselves, to offer pleasure to each other and experience pleasure in our own being, to offer loving presence and to experience love.

In this workshop we work with giving and receiving conscious touch. You will learn the basic principles of tantra and the the art of loving massage, how lovers can connect at a soul level, and how you can feel another person’s heart and emotions through touch. We will explore different types of touch and how they communicate certain states and energies, such as grounding touch, sensual touch, refined tender touch etc. You will experience a lot of touching, heart connection, embraces and intimate communion.


– Exercises for heart connection & intimacy

– Introduction to conscious touch

– Tantric wisdom teachings

– Meditation exersises

– Guided exercises exploring different types of touch

– Conscious touch massage

The program will include a tea break with a delicious raw-dessert.

To attend this event you don’t need to be in a relationship but you need to come with a friend or partner you wish to share an intimate experience with. There will be no explicit sexual interactions or massage of sexual organs and you will only stay with your partner.

:::::::Time & Date:::::::


:::::::Price & Sign up:::::::

850kr/person – 750kr for Natha members

(incl raw cake)

Maximum 5 couples

Please attend clean and without any flu-like symptoms.

You can reserve your spot by:

Bankgiro: 785-7162

Swish: 1233397171

Limited places available

After you have paid please send us a confirmation message to stockholm@natha.se.

Adress: Narcissvägen 12, Älvsjö Stockholm

** Your reservation is made once you have completed the payment.


About the teachers:

The event will be kept by Aurora and her beloved Tommy assisting throughout the practice. Aurora has a vast and indepth knowledge of the tantric teachings and transmits this in a playful, practical, poetic and heartful down to earth-way. Over the years she has assisted many couples to maintain the fire of love and passion in their relationships by integrating tantric principles new discoveries of up-to-date science.

Tommy and Aurora have as a couple been exploring and integrating the tantric teachings in their relationship. This made them discover new hights of intimacy, love and fulfillment which they are happy to share further to other couples that wishes to go deeper.

*Cancellation policy

The tickets are non-refundable but you can give/transfer to another couple. If you are unable to attend due to illness you may save your payment for a future event – please contact the team.


Tantric Date Series – 1-day workshops for couples

During intense times like these many couples are confronted with issues that easily put some friction in the relationship. Emotional roller coasters, argues, fading attraction, misunderstandings, boredom, closing down of hearts – relating is not always easy. The tantric teachings offer great tools on how to deepen intimacy and couple happiness by becoming aware of its mechanisms and ways, and how to be more and more real, authentic and true to yourself in the way you relate to others and especially to your beloved. You will learn what prevents or blocks intimacy from happening, and also how to gradually transform these limitations into possibilities. Over the years teachings like these have helped many couples to heal, to re-connect, to love deeper and experience an increasing fulfillment in their relationship.

These series has been developed through many years of experience to teach you what we didn’t learn in school – the art of loving and relating. It is a series for couples that wish to leave mediocrity and step out of the comfort zone and dare to explore the depths of relating. Couple happiness, erotic fulfillment, growing attraction, deeper understanding and expanding love are all possible if we are willing to try.

Some of the upcoming workshops:

– Loving Deeper

– Sacred Intimacy

– Conscious Eroticism and Bedroom Secrets

– Yoga for Two – Couple Yoga

– Passion & Attraction – Polarity in Tantra

– Conscious Touch for Lovers

– Romance in Tantra


May 08 2021


13:00 - 18:30


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