Tantric Heart Evening – Conscious touch
18th of November
Saturday 18.00-22.00
In a world where virtual connection is becoming more and more predominant, the need for true human connection is increasing dramatically. But often we seem to forget how to do it, how to truly connect. Loving conscious touch is one of the most powerful ways to restore the natural connection heart to heart.
This is an evening for awakening, exploring and opening our hearts to love. We start with a small introduction, then the evening unfolds with beautiful soft tantric exercises. We will explore the many fascinating expressions of conscious touch. It becomes more and more clear for us why touch is important, even essential, for our wellbeing and even survival.
A compassionate, loving, unconditional touch brings an almost immediate lowering of stress and tension, and opens our bodies and beings to harmony and love. It is well known that touch eliminates stress, calms the nervous system, clears the mind, increases the feel-good hormones oxytocin and serotonin, strengthens the immunity, brings mental and emotional wellbeing, increases the connection to others, and gives us strength to overcome difficulties.
During this evening we will play with touch in different ways, for the purpose to awaken our hearts.
In Tantra the sensorial experiences are used not just for mere pleasure, but in order to bring us into the present moment and for awakening our heart and expand our consciousness. It takes the play and makes it a gateway to unlock deeper potential of our consciousness allowing us to experience unconditional happiness and profound presence.
Loving conscious touch can help the one who is ready to remove tensions, unhealthy self-defense mechanisms and limiting mental patterns, allowing for the energy of love to shine through every cell of our being, radiating pure inner bliss. It brings us in contact with our inner core, where we discover the shortest path to genuine self-love, which further radiates in our close surroundings.
What will I experience?
During this evening we will work with giving and receiving conscious touch. You will learn the basic principles of tantra, how it feels to give and receive tantric touch, how you can connect at a soul level, and how you can feel another person’s heart and emotions through touch. You will experience a lot of touching, heart connection, hugs and communion with others’ beautiful hearts.
Should I bring my partner? Can I go alone?
This workshop is both for couples & singles. In the Tantric Heart Evenings the exercises and the entire evening is guided so you will meet the other people present. You can come as a single or as a couple and as long as you are open to participate in the exercises you will have a great time. All exercises are invitations and nobody has to do anything they don’t want to do. Everybody is expected to be able to set their own inner and outer boundaries. The entire workshop is kept with CLOTHES ON and there will not be any touch on intimate body parts.
We will aim to keep a polar balance in the workshop of equal number of men and women.
Sign up info
Price: 300kr (250kr Natha Students)
SPECIAL OFFER!! – come two and pay 250 kr/person
Pay through:
Bankgiro: 785-7162 or
Swish: 1233397171
(Mark payment with your name+Tantric Heart)
PLEASE NOTE : Your sign up is completed by signed up through the google form & paying the entrance fee! :
Note that we do not send out a confirmation message, you are welcome to join unless we send a message that we are sold out.
The event will be kept in English.
Limited amount of places – last event was sold out.
We will notify here in the event when it becomes full.
We welcome you for an inspiring evening of love!
Meet the teacher
The event is kept by Louise Fisker Skjoldan, a certified tantra & yoga teacher and tantra masseur with more than 20 years of direct experience of the tantric path.
With her big smile, warm heart, tenderness and passion she guides us on our journey of acquiring new understandings and experiences about ourselves, about life and the magic connection between our being and the flow of cosmos from the Tantric perspective, helping us to reveal our inner sensual and loving dimensions
She is happy to share the tantric teachings & wisdom about conscious touch with you! ❤️