Tantric Winter Retreat – Sacred Union

Sacred Union – winter retreat in Skeppsudden

6-11 dec 2022

– with Aurora Georgijevic & Morgan Arundel

(for couples & singles)

After an AMAZING and absolutely ECSTATIC SOLD OUT summer retreat in Skeppsudden we will meet again in this stunning venue, this time as a winter wonderland! Our summer retreat sold 25 tickets within 24 h of publishing the event and now in the winter we have less places – Come join us!

:::::Sacred Union:::::

Sometimes we can feel extremely intimate with a person who is far away from us physically, and sometimes we feel as if we are on different planet with the person who we are having a seemingly intimate interaction with. What is it that makes us feel like that? What is the nature of true intimate union, of that delicious feeling of being so close and open with another being? And what is it that makes us yearn for it so much?

Experiencing a sense of closeness, of something deeply meaningful, which we all search for. It is a fundamental need we all have, to feel deeply and intimately united & connected with others, with nature, with our life.

Often we search for intimacy without even knowing it. This unconscious serach for intimacy can often lead us further away from experiencing it, and even lead to destructive behaviours. In order to bring more intimacy in our life we need to know its ways, and we need to be willing to look into ourselves to discover it and courageously act upon our understandings through a leap of faith. Intimacy is so delicious, and yet we are also so easily afraid of it. We desire it immensely and yet we shield ourselves from it through endless distractions, fears, projections etc. Intimacy leaves us naked, raw, open, vulnerable, and yet this is US! True intimacy is not a weakness, but a great strength.

Are you willing to learn? Are you willing to dare to open? Are you willing to discover intimacy?

If you don’t wish to waste the deliciousness of life, we know your answer will be yes. So don’t hesitate and take the step to a new, revolutionary understanding of intimacy in life.

During this retreat you will learn some keys inspired by the tantric tradition on how to deepen intimacy by becoming aware of its mechanisms and ways, and how to be more and more real, authentic and true to yourself in the way you relate to others.

You will learn what prevents/blocks intimacy from happening, and also how to gradually transform these limitations into possibilities.

Over the last years, participants from our retreats have shared that they experienced the best days of their entire life at our retreats. We think one can not get a better feedback than that!




 Learn how to connect and unite with others on a deeper level

 Unity as a force of transformation and healing

 Understanding unity as a way to deepen your relationships

 Why we are not ment to do it all alone – togetherness as a sacred practise

 Let go of the fear to be seen for who you truly are

 Overcome the shyness to connect to the others

 Become aware of defense mechanism in relating and how to gradually let them go

 Love as a key to openness & intimacy & union

 Courage to be close

 Replace the fear for intimacy with an euphoric fulfillment in opening yourself fully

 Give your soul what it deeply longs for – unity and connection

 Bring sacredness into your love life and discover how infinitely more meaningful your intimate interactions can become

 Discover how to be naked with someone without taking your clothes of

 Unity between the conscious feminine & masculine

 Discover Intimate union as a path to happiness, transformation, fulfillment and ecstasy



The Winter Retreat is about self-knowledge and awakening. Knowing and discovering ourselves at a deeper level. Awakening to life and to the beauty around us, awakening the senses and to the countless facets of joy and superior pleasures, awakening our consciousness in a dauntless lucid abandonment into any opportunity life is offering us, awakening to ourselves and to each other in natural heart presence.

Throughout the 6 days there will be space to meet heart to heart, enjoy and laugh together, space to create trust, intimacy and loving connections. There will be guidance into beautiful meetings & insights in the tantric teachings.

In this retreat we aim to create a perfect blend of holiday & heart work. The retreat offers a chance to share knowledge, to open up to the new, to embrace the old, to courageously meet life-transformations, to explore sensuality in the light of full awareness and to surrender to love´s breath-taking gifts of connecting to others and to your inner source of happiness.

By consciously engaging in the perpetual forces of life, you will have the chance to enter the common energetic field of the community, which we will create together. It will allow you to engage in a playful and spontaneous way in the activities of the retreat, to open up to your inner resources and enhance your vital, sensual and energetic experience, as well as your subtle awareness and feeling of yourself. This is what most people that attended our retreats in the past felt as truly magical, the profound heart connections created in togetherness.


What will happen:

– Inspiring lectures and direct guidance based on ancient tantric wisdom, aiming to bring awareness and light to our experiences

– Creative and interactive exercises for awakening the senses, our energies & consciousness

– REAL meetings – heart to heart in a sacred space of love and awareness

– Exercises that help us to open up to life, beauty, intimacy and happiness

– Daily meditation practice to become more present, lucid and awake

– Group study & sharing circles

– Inner energy work and morning yoga practice

– Couple Yoga

– Special insights in the tantric teachings & modern psychology

– Ecstatic dance & celebrating love

– Cacao Ceremony

– Quality Holiday Time: sharing moments & togetherness in nature’s beauty and harmony in the warm ambience of Skeppsudden

-Purifying sauna and swims in the sea


—-The retreat will unfold as an integrated flow and will not follow a rigid scheme, therefore we reserve for sudden changes at any time in the program. The teachers will adapt the program to the needs of the group, yet hold a clear frame of direction and purpose—-

The event takes place in a relaxed atmosphere in the countryside, where you can unwind in the idyllic nature setting during the breaks.


Aurora Georgijevic & others


Practical Details

Program of the retreat:

• Check in Tuesday 06th of December: 16.00 – 18.00

The program of the retreat begins around 18:00 on Tuesday and ends around 17:00 on 11th of December.




SUPER EARLY BIRDS (UNTIL 15th of SEPTEMBER 4100kr / 3900 kr (Natha members)

EARLY BIRD 1 (UNTIL 26th of OCTOBER): 4400kr / 4200 kr (Natha members)

EARLY BIRDS 2 (UNTIL 13th of NOVEMBER ): 4700kr / 4400 kr (Natha members)

PRICE (AFTER 25th of NOVEMBER): 5200kr / 4700kr (Natha members)

Food and accommodation: 3180kr to be paid separately to Skeppsudden Kursgård upon arrival

***IMPORTANT INFO: If you have not been in any Natha event or Skeppsudden retreat before we kindly ask you to send us an email with your application and wish for signing up and we will send you more info. Please write your request to stockholm@natha.se

• The retreat fee is transferred to Natha Yogacenter via Swish 123 339 71 71 or Bankgiro 785-7162

It has to be marked with “SKEPPSUDDEN + YOUR NAME+EMAIL” as your final confirmation for your participation.

As we have LIMITED PLACES (and the last 4 retreats sold out very soon after publishing the event) available please make your payment as soon as possible to secure your place. Access is based on first appearances of the payments.

• Cancellation policy: After the payment has been done we will refund 75 % of the fee until 3 weeks before the event after that refund is not possible.


We wish to create the most lovingafe spaces for these reteats, and also a space for safely and courageously meet ones limits and open up for transformation and true leaps of consciousness.

Therefore we ask everyone who come first time to firsly apply for the retreat by sending us an email to stockholm@natha.se where we will guide you to fill in a questioneere in order for you to feel if this is a retreat for you.

—-Accommodation & food in Skeppsudden——

Your stay includes nice fresh-made vegetarian food (3 meals/day) and accommodation in cosy shared sleeping rooms in Skeppsudden. For accommodation in a single room with double bed there is an additional fee. You may get an invoice if you want.



• Please contact Skeppsudden directly if you have any special requirements concerning accommodation or food. If for example, you want to secure yourself in a single room or a double room for you and your lover/friend, or if you have food preferences for gluten-free, vegan or other wishes.


• Claes Nordenskjöld, info@skeppsudden.com

Mobil: +4670 22 11 434

Adress: Skeppsuddens Kursgård, Järstad – Östra Stenby, 610 32 Vikbolandet

You are also very welcome to stay one day before and after the event just to enjoy the beautiful nature there.

Getting there

• On the website of Skeppsudden, you find all relevant information about getting there: http://www.skeppsudden.com/hitta-hit.html Please note that you will get picked up at the local station if you choose to go by public transport.

—-Self responsibility and boundaries—-

• We encourage 100% self-responsibility

• This retreat is meant for healthy adults (over 18 years) that wish to open up to beautiful transforming experiences and know how to set healthy boundaries. If you suffer from serious mental illness this retreat is not suitable.

• The teachers and the team aim to do the utmost to create a loving safe space, but it is up to each and everyone to evaluate their own limitations and possibilities

• Sensuality and nudity might appear, however participation to any of the parts of the retreat is ALWAYS OPTIONAL and there will not be any explicit erotic interaction in the workshops

• We will apply a special consent form upon arrival, with common sense indications regarding a harmonious integration for all participants during the retreat

• Others boundaries must be respected so that everyone can enjoy a beautiful experience





Should I bring my partner? Can I go alone?

The retreat is designed for both singles & open-minded couples. It is up to the couples to decide the frame of their participation. The entire program and all its activities are guided so that you will meet, mingle and interact with all the other participants. We aim to have an approximately equal number of men and women to create a balanced frame for everybody.

You can come as a single or as a couple. As long as you are open to participate in the common activities you will have a great time.



About the teachers

Aurora Georgijevic

Aurora has practised yoga and tantra for the last 16 years and is an internationally certified yoga and tantra teacher. A deep interest in health, awakening and personal development led her in an early stage of life to various spiritual teachings and further on to a university degree in Science of Public Health. Discovering tantra, she became deeply fascinated by the practical and all-embracing attitude of the tantric teachings, of applying and discovering this wisdom in daily life. Tantra helped her to discover that ecstasy is not reserved for special occasions, but can be unlocked in every aspect of life. Her teaching style is playful, honest&direct, full of wisdom, enthusiasm and deep love for the tantric tradition. For the last 10 years, Aurora has been the coordinator for a flourishing yoga centre and is currently teaching in Natha Yoga Centre in both Malmö & Stockholm. She is teaching courses in yoga, tantra, tantra for women and arranging various events, workshops, retreats and festivals. She is also the coordinator of Tantrafestival in Sweden. Her soul ambition in this life is to passionately spread the message of the transforming power of love and to make the wisdom teachings accessible to as many people as possible.


Dec 06 2022 - Dec 11 2022


15:00 - 18:00
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