Yogic Solstice Midsummer Celebration
Dear yoga friends,
You are warmly invited to join a magical yogic midsummer celebration in the country side by a lovely lake!
This year the already sacred moment of midsummer coincides with summer solstice and international yoga day – and we will weave all this together for two wonderful days in nature and loving togetherness.
We will enjoy the peak beauty of Swedish summer nature, have a summer solstice ceremony, prepare a midsommarstång, celebrate, eat together, practice yoga, swim in the lake, meditate, dance and enjoy a wonderful time together!
Date & time
Friday, June 21-22nd
Friday 15.00 gathering
Ending Saturday around 20.00 or how long we wish to stay
Gnesta coutry side, near by a lake
We see this gathering as a gathering of hearts community moment, where we all contribute to make this a wonderful celebration
Everyone brings food to make an abundant midsummer dinner
We will have grills, so you can bring things for BBQ
Please note: Only vegetarian food (no meat, fish or chicken) and no alcohol drugs or smoking
For those who wish to sleep over there will be a little camping area where you can bring a tent and enjoy sleeping out in nature on this sacred day
400kr (Natha members)
550kr (Non-members)
– Includes simple breakfast Saturday morning
(no refunds once paid)
To sign up please fill in this form & pay by swish or cash in the reception
Swish: 1233397171
After you signed up we will send you a welcoming letter with the address!
15.00-16.00 Arriving
16.00 onwards – celebration together with meditation, dinner, sharing, making a midsommarstång, summer solstice ceremony, dancing, bonfire, enjoying summer magic
Morning breakfast
Yoga & meditaiton
Excursion to nearby nature, practicing shinrin yoku (forest bathing) and other exercises in nature
Sharing & connecting
The program will unfold spontaneously and as it flows harmoniously
If you play an instrument or wish to contribute with a song or something creative please let us know!
We look forward to a magical midsummer together! 🌼🇸🇪☀️
With love ❤️ team Natha