Initiating art and spiritual theatre group with yoga teacher Vajra
Every Saturday 13.30-16.30.
In spring we touched up dancing, improvisation, voice, H.C Andersen fairytales, enneagram types, Shakespearean monologue and dialogues, body language, high and low status games, learning by heart/experiencing the move and energy behind the words, rhythm, masks and the 9 states of the soul that when played becomes RASA (moods in Indian classic art). We will keep that up so that you newcomers to the group will not feel you have missed out. Please feel welcome!
Now is the time for putting ourselves on stage in play and in performance.We have several options for the fall and one for the wintertime that is being written right now…. We will simultaneously go through a period of meditation on the soul and the Self and then finding it in daily life in what is called ”The yoga of beauty”. This means observing and performing art and poetry (very elevated paintings and poetry). Divine poetry expressing the Self. Thus we become masters of a repertoire….
So we invite you with all our heart to come and be part of this elevated togetherness in art, theater and beauty for the opening of the Soul and in search of the Self.
First meeting will be the Saturday 7th October 2017 from 13.30-16.30 in Iccha Hall in our wonderful location in Concordia Venue.
Vajrananda and the Art & Theater Group.
I am Vajrananda, actor and director, with 25 years of experience as a teacher in Nathayogacenter and I just finished an intensive 7 years meditation retreat where I received a great amount of inspiration that I would like to pass on to you. I look forward to see you in this ungoing course full of new teachings about art, yoga/tantra, meditation, theater, beauty, the sublime and much more!
Language: English
Price: 249 kr (149 kr for members of Natha)