by Sofian | Nov 18, 2016 | Andre
Initiating art and spiritual theatre group with yoga teacher Vajra Every Saturday 13.30-16.30. In spring we touched up dancing, improvisation, voice, H.C Andersen fairytales, enneagram types, Shakespearean monologue and dialogues, body language, high and low status...
by Sofian | Nov 11, 2013 | Andre
Alchemy is the art of continuous spiritual improvement The Alchemy course offers the chance and unique adventure of efficient insights into your inner work as aspirant on the spiritual path. This type of universal knowledge can be applied to any spiritual system. It...
by Sofian | Sep 3, 2012 | Andre
Fortsætter kurser i Natha Yogacenter København
by Sofian | Sep 2, 2012 | Andre
THE KASHMIR SHAIVISM COURSE The Kashmir Shaivism tradition is considered one of the most transcendental forms of yoga, as well as the purest and highest form of tantra, and certainly one of the greatest spiritual treasures of humankind, which offers a direct and...