student unemployed pensioner
Welcome to our Discount offers.We are offering 15% percept discount from the normal price for Students, Unemployed and Pensioners.This offer is valid only for Students, Unemployed and Pensioners who have supplied us with the needed documentation via their account in...Kali Retreat 13-20 July
Maha Vidya retreats – The Great Cosmic Power Kali, with Advaita and Adina Stoian Click here to go to Summer Soul’s website BEST GIFT FOR BEGINNERS IN TANTRA This is an extraordinary opportunity for the beginners in Yoga and Tantra to get the initiation and...ynfiles
HER KAN DU DOWNLOADE DINE YOGANIDRA FILER Højreklik og “save as” eller “gem fil som”: Yoga nidra intro 1) Den grundlæggende teknik 2) At lytte med kroppen 3) Hyper receptiv yogisk lytning gennemstrømmet af lysFrontpage2017
Velkommen til Natha Yogacenter NATHA YOGACENTER er en yogaskole med hovedcenter i København, som også tilbyder undervisning i Århus, Odense, Køge og Helsingør. Natha underviser i et omfattende udviklingssystem, som både harmoniserer fysisk, mentalt og spirituelt....Awakening Kundalini Group
Awakening Kundalini Group You are invited! By the activation of Kundalini Shakti we will accelerate at the most our spiritual progress and awaken the wonderful latent capacities of our being that will enrich our life in ways we could not imagine. All the most...Månedens TIPS Februar
““Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” way”
~ Rumi
Initierende kunst og spirituel teatergruppe
Initiating art and spiritual theatre group with yoga teacher Vajra Every Saturday 13.30-16.30. In spring we touched up dancing, improvisation, voice, H.C Andersen fairytales, enneagram types, Shakespearean monologue and dialogues, body language, high and low status...The Yoga YANG Spiral Meditation
The yang spiral meditation is a form of group meditation unique to the yoga branches of the ATMAN International Yoga Organisation where they are often performed in a synchronised way (by different groups in different countries at the same time). The aim of this special type of meditation is to bring into awareness of the participants the presence of Cosmic Consciousness and to be part of the worldwide efforts of raising the consciousness of the planet and of entering into a superior stage of evolution of humankind.
Tripura Sundari – en yogini fortæller om hendes oplevelser
Tripura Sundari – den kosmiske kraft for skønhed, kærlighed, harmoni og sandhed. Et retreat som havde til formål at gå i dybden med denne kraft. Forventninger til et opløftende retreat fuld af kærlighed. Som yogaudøver kom jeg til retreatet og var meget interesseret i at lære mere om denne kosmiske kraft. Jeg kendte ikke meget til hende. Denne kosmiske kraft findes i mit liv, men har bestemt ikke været bevidst om hvornår og hvordan. Jeg havde en forventning om at hun var en af de ”milde” kosmiske krafter eftersom kærlighed og skønhed synes meget harmløst. Det var dog ikke just tilfældet –