

Advaita Mihai Stoian er tantra, yoga og meditationslærer og vores elskede spirituelle mentor. Ved personligt eksempel, dedikation, tålmodighed og stor kærlighed har han været stærkt medvirkende til Natha yogacenter´s vækst...
Holger Spanggaard

Holger Spanggaard

HolgerSpanggaard ‘Until l started to do yoga I felt that something was missing in my love life. One day, by coincidence, I started a conversation with a women l met in a shop. I told her about my feeling that there had to be something more to relationships, a...
Daniela Pelger

Daniela Pelger

Daniela Pelger was born into a Romanian-German-Hungarian family.  She started yoga in Romania at Misa school and continued in Germany.  For several years she is practicing yoga and tanta in Denmark at Natha Yogacenter. Since her spiritual journey in Denmark, she adapted her life style to tantric principles on which she was already guided in Romania, by her spiritual guide, Gregorian Bivolaru., She often says that she feels Danish people are more open-minded and prepared  for the tantric lifestyle …

Advaitananda Stoian

Advaitananda Stoian

Advaitananda Stoian is currently the senior coordinating teacher of Natha Yogacenter, Denmark.
Quantum physicist and scientific researcher Advaitananda’s teachings are genius in their scope and content. His relaxed yet witty and candid style combined with extraordinary insight and an unyielding spiritual aspiration make his presentations not only a profoundly revealing spiritual experience but also highly entertaining.