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Oplevelser fra Nathas Indre stilhed meditationsretreat, 2013-2014, Paradis vækstcenter, Danmark
Af Kieran Dowling, elev på Tara Yoga Centre, Nathas søsterskole i London
Oplevelser fra Nathas Indre stilhed meditationsretreat, 2013-2014, Paradis vækstcenter, Danmark
Af Kieran Dowling, elev på Tara Yoga Centre, Nathas søsterskole i London
By Liliana Serban
From the 26th of December 2012 until 7th of January 2013 Natha Yogacenter organized just like last years, thus becoming a tradition, the silent retreat. The Silent Retreat has two modules: THE AWAKENING OF THE SPIRITUAL HEART and THE REVELATION OF THE SUPREME SELF , ATMAN. The location was this time a new one, called almost prophetically Paradise!.