TV2 Lorry præsenterer: Natha på Sund Livsstilsmesse
D. 26. september var TV2 Lorry på Sund Livsstilsmesse for at rapportere, som i den weekend blev afholdt i Ølsnehallen i København.
D. 26. september var TV2 Lorry på Sund Livsstilsmesse for at rapportere, som i den weekend blev afholdt i Ølsnehallen i København.
Natha Yogacenter gæstede Tantrafestivalen i København i September. Vi var glade for at kunne åbne dørene op for så mange mennesker, interesserede i tantra. Læs med på denne artikel, skrevet af Tantrafestival.
Tripura Sundari – den kosmiske kraft for skønhed, kærlighed, harmoni og sandhed. Et retreat som havde til formål at gå i dybden med denne kraft. Forventninger til et opløftende retreat fuld af kærlighed.
Summer Soul –day 2: 5th July 2014
Daylight comes early, the garden of Paradise passing from darkens into light, first sun-beams kissing the tents in the camping area. A few early risers go out to the beach to enjoy the peaceful dance of the waves.
Summer Soul –day 1: 4th July 2014
Immediately when I arrive in Paradise Retreat Center I am embraced by a feeling of magic. It’s not the sun-rays of this great Danish summer, it’s not the birds singing in the trees, not even the flowers all around
Tantra Festivalen i Århus blev en stor succes. Oplev her atmosfæren og mød nogle af workshopsholderne og publikum. Næste festival finder sted d. 13. – 14. sept. i København, i Natha Yogacenter.
Day 4 – 19th June: Principles of Healing and Fulfillment
‘’A thought repeated becomes a habit, a habit repeated becomes an attitude, and attitude repeated becomes a character and a character maintained defines a destiny’’
Day 3 – 18th June: Healing at the mental and emotional level
It’s the 3rd day of the camp and I can feel the effects of the previous day – waking up with surplus energy and dynamism. Some people collect yoga mats and head down to the beach to start the day with an energizing yoga practice, while others find quit corners in the garden and meditate in silence.
Day 2 – 17th June: Healing at the physical level
A new day rises on Bornholm. It is remarkable to be woken up by the sun rising as early as 4 in the morning. The waves playing with the rocks on the beach is the first sound I hear when I wake up. It’s another beautiful day in the holistic wellness retreat on Bornholm – and this day is dedicated to health at the physical level.
Dag 1 – 16. juni: Helbredelse og tilfredsstillelse på alle niveauer af vores væsen
Det var en særlig solrig dag på Bornholm – en lovende begyndelse for de 7 dages Holistisk Wellness Retreat. Deltagerne samledes til øen fra Danmark og Sverige og ser frem til en dyb regenererende, energigivende og afslappende uge.