Et nytår i stilhed
Oplevelser fra Nathas Indre stilhed meditationsretreat, 2013-2014, Paradis vækstcenter, Danmark
Af Kieran Dowling, elev på Tara Yoga Centre, Nathas søsterskole i London
Oplevelser fra Nathas Indre stilhed meditationsretreat, 2013-2014, Paradis vækstcenter, Danmark
Af Kieran Dowling, elev på Tara Yoga Centre, Nathas søsterskole i London
By Advaitananda
As the sun reached its zenith for yet another year, passing through the great cycle of the seasons, the annual midsummer retreat of Natha Yogacenter again took place on the magical island of Bornholm.
Velkommen til Paradis Vækstcenter i Store Torøje
Spjellerupvej 41, st torøje
4640 Faxe
Ring og book på 2195 6229
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I Paradis Vækstcenter afholdes der kurser i intensiv yoga, meditation og yoga for gravide samt mange forskellige workshops og retreats.
By Liliana Serban
From the 26th of December 2012 until 7th of January 2013 Natha Yogacenter organized just like last years, thus becoming a tradition, the silent retreat. The Silent Retreat has two modules: THE AWAKENING OF THE SPIRITUAL HEART and THE REVELATION OF THE SUPREME SELF , ATMAN. The location was this time a new one, called almost prophetically Paradise!.
I maj 2009 drog to danskere på en lang rejse til de karpatiske bjerge i Rumænien. De havde sat sig for at tilbringe 3 år 3 måneder og 3 dage i en isoleret bjergegn i dyb meditation, afskåret fra al ydre kommunikation.